A field guide
for future fathers


Although fathers and non-birthing partners don’t have to push a small human through their own pelvis, there’s plenty of work to be done by them. They might not have the overview of what that work is just yet, but Birth Like a Man is here to help them out. Filled with tips, tricks and reminders that will help them be of support during birth.


All the birth knowledge you need as a dad, right in your back pocket. A life-raft filled with all the things any birthing partner is doomed to forget as soon as a partner’s water breaks. The book fits your back pocket perfectly, which means it won’t get in the way whenever you’re being deployed as a human birthing stool or painkiller. And no risk of dropping your phone in the birth pool when you’re trying to google “breech position”.


Most dad books were tacky, stereotypical, patriarchal or not
practical enough.
Time for a change.


“Most father literature prepares you for the arrival of your baby and what it means to be a father, but rarely touches on what it means to be a good parenting partner. That, in combination with most of this literature being patriarchal, stereotypical and frankly a bit dated when it comes to being a modern dad, made me decide to write this book.
A repository for all the information you need the most and a tool to become a better partner.”

Mama-en the Podcast

Mama-en the Podcast

Nina Pierson invited Pascal Rotteveel as the first male and father in her podcast Mama-en where they dive deeper into the book, fatherhood and what drove Pascal to write the book.